Sunday, 8 July 2012

Olympic Flame!

I have been waiting for this next adventure for seven years. 

The news that London had one the Olympic bid came to me about two days late since I was in Guatemala at that time, and I hadn't been to the one small internet cafe in San Andres for a few days. In fact, I learnt about the London bombings first from locals who told me about it. I went online to learn more and thus discovered the older news of the won bid. I admit, the horror of the bombings didn't quite hit home, for which I have always felt a little guilty.

The then Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, got it right when he spoke after the attack about the Olympics coming here to this city being a symbol of that reality, that differing ideals and peoples can live in harmony in one place.

 I love London, I love England, I love the Olympic games with a determined defiance of all the cynical opinions that are attracted to it like mosquitoes to a very bright, sun lit flame. May they all be burned!!! Humanity is not perfect, yes, we all know that, very clever of those who like to make a living pointing that out. But our potential... that's what it points towards. What we could, should, and have to believe we shall, one day be, a human race united, celebrating our love for one another across all divides.

So, since there was little chance of my becoming a world champion archer in seven years (yes, I actually looked into it as my only option for competing), the next best option was to be a volunteer. So, as soon as they asked for people to signal their interest online, I did so.

For seven years the only response I ever got was emails saying... 'we haven't forgotten about you'. My parents were called for interviews in Manchester, but I wasn't. I went to America with the very real worry that I would be called for interview whilst there and so miss out. But thankfully that was one sacrifice I was not asked to make.

It wasn't until April this year that I got an email with an apology for not being given a chance to be interviewed and then a query as to my further interest in being involved. Of course I hit YES!

And so I then received my assignment as an NOC Assistant and Driver at the Rowing and Canoeing Village at the Royal Holloway University. Driver training followed, then uniform issue, which was fun, venue training and then my assignment to ...


How randomly exciting is that!

So I have been trying to find out more about Lativa. I now know its flag, but can't find out much about the rowing team. I will meet my chief de mission on Thursday for the first time, and then... who knows what they will have be doing! But I shall be proud to be cheering on Latvia, since I love supporting an underdog, and England is definitely not the underdog in the rowing! 

The wait is nearly over, the flame is nearing its throne. Its going to be great!